Nocpix Ace Thermal Rifle Scopes
Introducing the Nocpix ACE series, the flagship thermal rifles cope designed for all hunting environments. It features a self-developed high-resolution thermal sensor, integrated LRF, and advanced Reality+ and Vision+ systems. Deliver unparalleled image quality and superior performance.

Nocpix ACE S60R Thermal Rifle Scope 1280x1024 with LRF
Regular price
(RRP £5,399.00)
In Stock
From £79.64 per month

Nocpix ACE H50R Thermal Rifle Scope 640x512 with LRF
Regular price
(RRP £3,579.00)
In Stock
From £52.78 per month

Nocpix ACE H50 Thermal Rifle Scope 640x512
Regular price
(RRP £3,189.00)
In Stock
From £47.02 per month

Nocpix ACE L35 Thermal Rifle Scope 384x288
Regular price
(RRP £1,859.00)
In Stock
From £27.38 per month